Let’s work together to end plastic pollution

We support a global plastics pollution agreement that helps scale action, accelerates plastics circularity, and unlocks the value of plastic waste.

Our position on the Global Plastics Pollution Agreement

The aim – an international legally binding instrument (ILBI) on plastic pollution – is the world’s chance to sufficiently incentivize circularity and enhance waste management infrastructure.

“Speaking for Dow and the broader industry, we’re heavily engaged in trying to make sure that we do reach a global treaty that can be legally binding and to do that, we want as many countries as possible to be party to that. That means a change in the way we do things. That’s transformational.” 
Jim Fitterling, Chair and CEO, Dow

Policies and game-changers for a circular economy

Read about EPR and other public-private financing models that can help build better waste management systems. 

Davos Plastics Treaty

Global Plastics Treaty at Davos

Watch “Landing an Ambitious Global Plastics Treaty” session from the 2024 WEF Annual Meeting in Davos.

Creating Solutions to Eliminate Plastic Waste

In our Seek Together™ blog, Dow CEO, Jim Fitterling, discusses our support for the creation of an effective international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution.

Building a global plastics pollution agreement that works for all

Jihane Ball, EH&S and Sustainability Lead Director, argues the case for a flexible and ambitious UN global plastics agreement in Business Green.


A materials ecosystem is developing around plastic and renewable waste to deliver its total value.

Pack Studios

Design for Circularity,

Pack Studios is the connected platform to collaborate on innovative design and accelerate circular packaging.

Solving Africa’s plastic waste challenge

In this Business Green article, Marco ten Bruggencate, VP of Dow Packaging & Specialty Plastics in EMEA, talks about the business models needed for sustainable change.