Advocacy, Community and Talent (ACTs)

Dow ACTs strategic framework designed to address systemic racism and inequity, backed by a multi-million dollar pledge to help accelerate change. ACT is an acronym for three action areas: Advocacy, Community engagement and our Talent pipeline. This strategic framework was informed by input from our employees and Global African Affinity Network (one of our Employee Resource Groups) and has the full support of Dow’s Leadership Team and Board of Directors.

Our approach to address systemic racism and inequity

Two employees pose on the rainbow cross walk


We’ve committed to drive policy change and encourage civic activities to address racism and racial inequity. 

OneTen Speed Coaching in Philadelphia


We will respond to racism and racial inequity in our communities through service and investment. 

Gandy and Lyons pose for a photo


We will improve representation across all levels of the company to help and ensure our workforce reflects the stakeholders we serve. This can be seen through our diverse and equitable workforce, our collaboration with OneTen, promoting diversity recruiting programs, requiring racial equity and inclusion training and more.

See the results of our ambition in action

2023 INtersections Report: Inclusion, Diversity and Equity