Decarbonization and Climate Mitigation

Navigating the climate and energy transition

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a complex challenge Dow is determined to not only meet, but also to lead in our industry. We are continuously finding ways to reduce emissions from our operations as well as investing in new technologies and processes to decarbonize our industry.

Vials being filled with different colored fluids


We must lead our industry in delivering materials science innovations that drive the world’s transition to a low emissions future.

Electric vehicle charging

Leading by example

We are continuously finding ways to reduce emissions while helping our customers reduce their emissions with innovative, lower-emission products.

View of manufacturing facility


We are investing $1 billion per year on average across the economic cycle to drive growth and decarbonization of our manufacturing assets.

Dow volunteers in a field

Enabling a just transition

Dow recognizes the environmental justice movement as an opportunity to ensure we are appropriately including our communities as we progress through the climate and energy transition.

Path2Zero chart


Roadmap to 2050

We are taking a comprehensive and phased approach to reducing GHG emissions, including short-, medium- and long-term reduction targets and actions to achieve them.

Previous Reductions

  • Reduced our GHG emissions by 15% between 2005-2020

Near Term

  • By 2025, we intend to reduce our net annual emissions by 2 million metric tons versus our 2020 baseline

Mid Term

  • By 2030, we will reduce our net annual carbon emissions by 5 million metric tons versus our 2020 baseline (~15% reduction)

Long Term

  • By 2050, we intend to be carbon neutral (Scopes 1+2+3 plus product benefits)

Leading climate protection by example: our approach

To achieve our “Protect the Climate” targets, we are embarking on a plan that encompasses all three carbon emissions Scopes:

Aerial view of manufacturing facility

Scope 1

Emissions directly under our control from our own operations.

Water flows through a hydroelectric dam

Scope 2

Emissions caused indirectly from the generation of the power we purchase from 3rd parties.

Cargo ship sails across ocean

Scope 3

Emissions we are indirectly responsible for, upstream from the products or services we buy from suppliers, and downstream from the transportation, usage and end of life of our sold products.

Our strategy to Decarbonize and Grow

Through 2050, we will take a phased, site-by-site approach to reducing our GHG emissions footprint. This includes investing approximately $1 billion per year, on average across the economic cycle, to drive both earnings growth and decarbonization of our manufacturing assets. We will replace end-of-life and less efficient assets with technologies to abate GHG emissions, such as hydrogen, carbon capture and storage, and advanced nuclear, among others.

As we decarbonize, we also have a clear path to earnings growth. We remain on track to deliver $3 billion in underlying EBITDA improvements, as we reduce Scope 1 and 2 net annual GHG emissions by 5 million metric tons versus our 2020 baseline by 2030.



Executing our Decarbonize and Grow strategy

Optimizing our Manufacturing Facilities and Processes for Sustainability

Replace end-of-life assets with low GHG tech

Pursue manufacturing efficiency improvements

Recent developments:

Investing in Transformative Next-Gen Manufacturing Technology

Develop next-generation, low-emissions manufacturing technology critical for the future

Recent developments:

Building a Value-Generating Scope 3 Decarbonization Pathway

Work with value chain to track Scope 3 emissions and identify reduction opportunities

Recent developments:

Increasing Use of Clean Energy and Steam

Integrate clean energy including renewables and nuclear for power and steam

Advocate and collaborate for infrastructure development (CCS, H2, etc.)

Recent developments:

Decarbonize & Grow roadmap

Dow continues to make progress on its Decarbonize and Grow strategy and remains on track to meet both our 2030 and 2050 targets.

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Supporting our customers through the climate and energy transition

Dow has the responsibility and opportunity to step forward when our innovation can make a difference. We can imagine better ways to solve challenges related to climate change and to support our customers on their own journeys. Dow is taking decisive action to transition to a more sustainable future, and this article is designed to provide our partners with a deeper look at our planned Path to Zero.

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