Leadership, Strategy and Accountability

We drive accountability for inclusion, diversity and equity at Dow through top-down commitments and structured alignment across the Company.

Alveda Williams wearing a purple jacket

Our leader for inclusion, diversity and equity

Alveda J. Williams, Ph.D., Chief Inclusion Officer at Dow, is responsible for institutionalizing inclusion, diversity and equity to drive long-term growth and business success. Under her leadership, we continue to deliver meaningful progress on key inclusion and diversity performance indicators.

Our governance model

Three councils play distinct and necessary roles to set inclusion priorities and plans that are relevant to our businesses, functions and geographies.

President’s Inclusion Council
  • Defines and supports the strategy from the top
  • Led by the CEO
Senior Leaders’ Inclusion Council
  • Influences changes through senior mid-level business and functional leaders
  • Led by the Chief Inclusion Officer
Joint Inclusion
  • Interacts with Employee Resource Groups’ leaders to ensure engagement from all employees 
  • Led by the Global ERG Leader

Our advancement strategy


All In graphic

Driving accountability and alignment throughout Dow

Whether it’s our top-down commitment or our bottom-up alignment and action, we involve every facet of our business to ensure our practices and processes align with our values. Discover our accountability and alignment steps below.

See the results of our ambition in action

2023 INtersections Report: Inclusion, Diversity and Equity