
We are creating positive social impact around the world through powerful partnerships and collaborations that support our communities, expand STEM and skilled trades pipelines, and advance sustainability initiatives.

Partnership is our passion

Dow Jaguar TCS race car on the race track

Harnessing the power of sport

We leverage creative partnerships to advance our ambition and help drive positive change in and through the world of sport.

white semi truck driving on the road

Collaborating closely with our suppliers

We’re committed to high-quality relationships with reliable suppliers. Discover how we work with and support our suppliers—and how to become one.

Dow employee standing next to forklift in the plant


We partner with universities worldwide and have developed many strategic relationships for recruiting and research, including Dow's University Partnership Initiative.

Dow CEO Jim Fitterling at a community volunteer event

Global Citizenship

We are creating positive social impact around the world through powerful partnerships and collaborations that support our communities, expand STEM and skilled trades pipelines, and advance sustainability initiatives.

More ways we’re partnering for positive impact

Sustainability External
Advisory Council
Brings a diverse outside-in perspective on environment, health and safety, as wel as sustainability issues for the company.
Science and Technology
Advisory Council
Brings a diverse outside-in perspective on science, engineering, and innovation to assure Dow retains its leadership positions and expands its competitive advantage.

Dow Venture Capital

Discover how we are pursuing strategic investments in attractive start-up companies around the world that enable and accelerate Dow’s business growth and value.