shipping containers being loaded to truck

Integrated supply chain

Why is supply chain sustainability so critical?

Dow’s Integrated supply chain recognizes the importance of safe, secure and responsible operations throughout our value chain. It’s why we included sustainability as one of the four key tenants of our overall integrated supply chain strategy, which is built off of Dow’s Corporate 2025 Goals.

Integrated supply chain strategy key areas of focus

tanker truck


Driving safety & transportation stewardship

colorful plastic pellets


Eliminating waste in the supply chain

car charging


Reducing our transportation carbon footprint

Integrated supply chain strategic pillars

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Growing a sustainable culture

From creating and improving training resources, to calculating and tracking thesustainability impact of various initiatives, we’re creating an ISC culture that inspiresemployees to pursue and prioritize more sustainable solutions across Dow’s supply chain.

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Technology & innovation

Embracing digitalization, technology, and innovation will be critical to meeting Dow’s 2025, 2030, and 2050 targets—and help us solve our biggest sustainability challenges with transportation, packaging, and waste.

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Collaborating for success

We aim to use our influence to drive value chain improvements, be a supportive partner,and challenge the norm on how things have always been done in order to benefit people,profits, and our planet.

trucks on the highway

Green transportation

Our global supply chain has a green transportation strategy that helps us actively manageand reduce the impact of internal activities while driving and promoting sustainablelogistics externally.

Dow recognizes logistics service providers for promoting and prioritizing sustainability.What’s more, our logistics footprint tracker helps measure and manage our transportationcarbon footprint.

plant worker looking out from tower

Operation Clean Sweep

Dow is a pledged partner in Operation Clean Sweep (OCS), the international program thathelps plastic resin handlers adopt practices to contain pellets, flakes and powder,protecting the environment and preserving valuable natural resources.

We’re committed to working with our manufacturing plants and Logistics Service Providers(LSPs) to implement OCS across the value chain. We also now require LSPs across the globewho actively handle plastic on our behalf to participate in OCS.

female worker

Transportation stewardship

Dow’s Transportation Stewardship Program is committed to driving the industry toward anew standard of safety and security. To track our progress and help us meet our 2025 goalof eliminating severe transportation incidents, we focus on metrics in three categories:incident-free performance, leading-edge programs, and transportation risk across thevalue chain.

Our incident matrix enables us to weigh the human, environmental and communityimpacts and severities of any incidents caused by Dow.

supply chain excellence awards

Supply chain employee recognition

We’re dedicated to recognizing employees who bring sustainable solutions into theirIntegrated Supply Chain (ISC) pillar areas. We recently introduced two global awardprograms that celebrate extraordinary supply chain improvements.

The ISC Excellence Award is an annual recognition for excellence in innovation,sustainability, operations, and inclusion/diversity/engagement. Dow’s quarterly C3 awardshowcases creative solutions and institutionalizes new ways of thinking and working.
