Flare stacks and ground flares are important safety equipment that can sometimes be seen or heard outside the Dow manufacturing facility.
Flare stacks and ground flares are important safety equipment that can sometimes be seen or heard outside the Dow manufacturing facility.
Learn about what flaring is, when it is used, and more.
Flares are safety devices that are used at many petrochemical facilities to effectively burn industrial gases that cannot be returned to the process. Burning converts the gases into two common substances: carbon dioxide and water vapor.
The flare is an essential safety device that is designed:
At Dow, we aim to minimize the impact to the community when we operate our safety devices. If you are near the plant during flaring activity, you may notice:
The flares are permitted control devices used to burn excess gas during normal operations, maintenance activities, and partial or complete production unit start up and shutdown. In these scenarios, equipment and piping need to be emptied, refilled or repressured. The resulting mixtures of gas and air – and gas vented during pressurization – are contained in piping and sent to the flare stack, allowing safe operation of the plant under a wide variety of conditions.