A brand new sustainability experience

waves crashing on a rocky shore and a cottage in a mountain valley

Chief Commercial Officer, Dan Futter, explains how Dow’s new branding architecture helps customers navigate the complex world of sustainability.

Sometimes you have to take a look in the mirror to really see how your customers see you. We see our reflection through a variety of feedback channels and we are acting on what customers tell us.

Over the past few years, we found that more and more companies are making sustainability commitments. In parallel, there has been a significant change in the search terms customers use to find materials with sustainability attributes. Popular search engines are reporting similar trends. Terms like low carbon, biodegradable and recyclable have been gaining momentum. On top of that, we hear loud and clear that navigating chemical company websites for materials with sustainability benefit is particularly confusing, frustrating, and unproductive. No wonder, with the vast complexity of chemistries, applications, claims, and regulations that have to be sorted through to surface relevant products.

Armed with deeper insights about what customers are looking for, we set out to make it easier for them to connect their needs with our solutions – by surfacing our content, literally, on their terms.

Setting out to create a brand new sustainability experience.

Under the umbrella brand “Sustainability Science” we created six brand pillars representing the most commonly searched sustainability attributes: Low Carbon, Bio-based, Recycled Content, Designed for Circularity, Biodegradable and Resource Efficient.

Decarbia, Ecolibrium, Renuva, Circulibrium, Returna and Resoursa brands from Dow

When you look in the mirror, you also have to trust what you see there, just like your customers have to trust the integrity of the data they see.

So, the other half of our customer experience equation was to put a rigorous governance system in place, whereby our claims rely on technical knowledge, evidence, and lifecycle perspectives using recognized international standards and certification systems.

That transparency makes the hurdles much higher for our technical and marketing teams to clear, but it’s worth the effort. As a materials science company, the integrity of the performance claims of all our products are essential to earning trust from customers, shareholders and employees alike.



For the first phase of our rollout, we aligned over 300 products to the sustainability pillars, so customers can more easily search, understand and purchase those products by their attributes and applications.

It’s a system we believe our customers will grow to trust and count on as part of the way they meet their own public commitments, and how they develop products with sustainability benefits for their customers

.Over time, we’ll align more and more products to our brand pillars – and keep checking in the mirror to continuously improve how customers can choose Dow technologies for a more sustainable future.

Dan Futter, Chief Commercial Officer