Our sustainability targets

Today, more than ever, the world needs businesses who take leadership in environmental sustainability. Dow has set ambitious targets aligned with advancing a circular economy and climate protection by focusing on closely linked issues: reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, supporting healthy ecosystems, and eliminating plastic waste. These sustainability targets align to what we see as our purpose: to deliver a sustainable future for the world through our expertise in materials science and in collaboration with our partners.


Multi-decade targets

Building on our 2025 Sustainability Goals, these targets guide our path for climate protection and the circular economy. Our aim is to reduce GHG emissions, support healthy ecosystems, eliminate plastic waste in the environment and increase our positive impacts on society, our customers and our business.


Protect the climate

We are committed to implementing and advancing technologies and programs to address climate change.

Our targets

Climate Change Mitigation
  • By 2030, Dow will reduce its net annual carbon emissions by 5 million metric tons versus its 2020 baseline (15% reduction).
  • By 2050, Dow intends to be carbon neutral (Scopes 1+2+3 plus product benefits).
Climate Change Adaptation
  • By 2030, Dow will implement a robust land management strategy, our top 20 water-dependent sites will have water stewardship plans, and 10 of those sites will be water-resilient.
  • By 2035, all Dow sites will have water stewardship plans.
  • By 2050, Dow will partner to conserve 50,000 acres of habitat and our top 20 water-dependent sites will be water-resilient.

Transform the waste

We are helping advance a circular economy by collaboratively investing in key technologies and infrastructure enhancements that strengthen the materials ecosystem for plastics waste.

Our target

By 2030, Dow will transform plastic waste and other forms of alternative feedstock to commercialize 3 million metric tons of circular and renewable solutions annually. 

To be considered towards the 3 million metric tons:

  • The solution must be sold through Dow, a subsidiary or via a third-party service.
  • The solution must be made/transformed from bio-based and/or waste-based raw materials.
  • The solution’s circular content/volume must be measurable and auditable.



Close the loop

We are committed to redesigning and promoting reusable or recyclable packaging applications.

Our target

By 2035, Dow will close the loop by enabling 100% of Dow products sold into packaging applications to be reusable or recyclable.