Power Up®: Empowering women in the chemical industry

Location: Palais Coburg, Coburgbastei 4, 1010 Vienna, Austria

The session is free of charge and will focus on the personal and professional development of participants utilizing EY’s proprietary development tool, Power UP®. This coaching model helps women live, lead, and inspire authentically, and serves as a self-reflection tool for male allies.

Program details

  • 1-hour virtual briefing session prior to event.
  • 3-hour live workshop on 25 September 2023, at 2 PM, venue close to EPCA conference.
  • 1-hour virtual closing session after the event.

How to register?

  • Registration is closed

Unlocking the potential of women is key to creating a more gender equitable chemical industry in Europe. We look forward to welcoming you to the Power UP® session. #SeekTogether