Apprenticeship programs in the Netherlands 

The internship program in the Netherlands is an integral part of secondary vocational training. The program is seen as very valuable by the Dutch Government. It is the ideal opportunity to get young people in touch with the future profession. For Dow in The Netherlands, the recruitment of apprentice graduates is an important source to fill the pipeline for the Operator and Maintenance Technicians roles. We have a gentleman’s agreement with companies in the “Kanaalzone” region. This informal understanding ensures that we share the available students with other companies in the region. The number of students Dow gets depends on the number of technicians we have in our Company during that year. The more technicians in the Company, the more trainees we get internally. At Dow, we use the same distribution key; the plants with the most technicians are obliged to host the most trainees.

Program Objectives

The environment in which Dow operates in the Netherlands has a sparsely placed, aging population. The apprenticeship program is an important pipeline to get qualified young people onboard at an early stage. It enables us to have a diverse workforce. The apprenticeship program brands Dow as an employer of choice in the region and a great place to work. Target of the program is to increase the number of graduate apprentices into Dow with permanent contracts.


  • Terneuzen
  • Delfzijl


  • Process Operators
  • Lab Technician
  • Electro Technicians
  • Maintenance Technicians

Program Structure

Duration: 4 years

Dual system: Learning in school and at Dow

First 3 Years: 5 days of school during 42 weeks of the year with an internship period of 10 weeks per year.

Last Year: In the last year, the internship period lasts for 20 weeks. The internship periods are normally held at different companies. These periods give the students a good impression of the profession and the diversity that exists within the profession. After graduation, young people can make a choice to continue learning at a higher level or start employment as a Technician.

Contract Type

During apprenticeship: Temporary contract via contractor agency

During apprenticeship: Temporary contract via contractor agency
Job points after graduation: 58


  1.  Sourcing: March (before graduation)
  2. Graduation: June
  3. Interviews: July
  4. Onboarding: 1st September/1st October
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