Supplier Diversity

We believe an inclusive, diverse and equitable supplier base not only benefits our business, but also the communities where we operate. We offer supplier training and development programs, mentorship opportunities, events and networking opportunities for diverse suppliers. Our goal is to achieve $500 million in global diverse supplier spend by 2025.

Code of Business Conduct for Suppliers

We develop mutually profitable business relationships with diverse suppliers who are globally competitive, demonstrate the ability to add value and meet our expectations of suppliers as outlined in the Code of Business Conduct for Suppliers.

Supplier Diversity Vision and Policy

Vision: Maximize bottom-line value, drive innovation and support economic growth through engagement of diverse suppliers (including businesses whose primary ownership is women, ethnic minorities, veterans, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities).

Policy: It is Dow’s policy to develop mutually profitable business relationships with diverse suppliers who are globally competitive, demonstrate the ability to add value and meet Dow’s expectations of its suppliers as outlined in the Code of Business Conduct for Suppliers.

Our objectives

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Include diverse suppliers in Dow's evaluation of suppliers via strategic sourcing

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Partner with national and regional development councils to encourage the certification of diverse suppliers

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Leverage our supplier diversity reporting and results to meet the needs of customers and stakeholders


Dow is committed to conduct business with a diverse supplier base. Dow's Supplier Diversity program is part of our overall inclusion, diversity and equity efforts with defined deliverables and key measures of success aligned to Corporate objectives.

2023 Progress

 three colleagues meet about packaging materials

We are looking for diverse suppliers across our value chain

If you are part of a diverse business, becoming a Dow supplier could be an excellent opportunity to grow and develop your enterprise. The innovation and quality you help us deliver to our customers is essential.

cathy budd
"Supplier diversity is an integral component of Dow’s Inclusion and Diversity Strategy. The business case is indisputable and companies who lead in Inclusion and Diversity (I&D), lead financially. A diverse supplier base is essential to delivering bottom-line value, driving competition in the supply base, supporting economic growth of local communities, and is critical to being a world class leader; building a culture that embraces innovation, responsibility and diversity."

Cathy Budd, Vice President of Procurement

See the results of our ambition in action

2023 INtersections Report: Inclusion, Diversity and Equity

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